Tyson Hailey

 About Me

     I started in the medical profession about 11 years ago working as a certified nurses assistant. The one who had inspired me to be a care giver would have to be my mother. At the age of 15 I was her primary care provider. I realized this was my calling to help care for people, thus leading me to massage therapy. I never realized how much I care for people it's my passion to see a person with a smile or to see them improve with their lives is a great reward to me.

     My education Background was the professional licensing program though Ashmead college. Let me tell you one thing, It's amazing I made it through an intensive program. To sit in a class room realizing that the person sitting next to you may or may not be there next term or even next week do to grades or finances made me nervous. I graduated and then thinking to myself that this is just the beginning, now its time to prepare for State & National Boards and the State law test. I passed first try then got insured and started my practice. I have more to talk about, however I wanted address the main points and don't mind talking about more of my education in person/phone or email. Thank You